Latest Morgan Asphalte News What’s New in the World of Roofing

As with all industries, roofing is a changing and evolving business. When something happens in the news you can find out about it here first! You’ll also find answers to common questions, plus browse through roofing related topics.

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So You're Thinking About Installing Polycarbonate RoofingLet's discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Polycarbonate roofing systems

Polycarbonate is a strong thermoplastic material that is lightweight and can withstand extremely low and high temperatures. It's durability and ease of use is perfect for walkways, conservatories, patios, and many outside areas... But it’s not suitable for all circumstances. more

Top Tips To Prepare your Roof for SpringPrevention is the best cure!

Our top tips for preparing your London roof for the year ahead. more

Why Does Father Christmas Use The Chimney?Ever wondered why he comes down the chimney instead of using the door?

Ever wondered why Father Christmas comes down the chimney on Christmas eve, instead of going through the door? more

Making Your Chimney Santa-ReadyIs your chimney prepared for his Christmas Eve entrance

So, Christmas is around the corner – how ready are you? Cards written, presents wrapped, party gear planned – but what about your chimney? Is it Santa-ready? All those mince pies don’t help with his waist-line, so you need to make sure your chimney is well-prepared for his Christmas Eve entrance… more

How Safe Are You and Your Roof?Making sure your roof is safe and secure should be one of your top priorities

That feeling of being safe and secure is one of the most powerful in the world, so when that feeling is threatened it can be devastating. Your home is the one place when you should feel at your most protected, cocooned from the world and all it can throw at you. more

Is Your Roof Losing You Money?Your roof could be wasting your hard earned cash

Like most home owners, you’re probably conscious of not wasting money on unnecessary utility bills. You turn the heating down a couple of notches, you unplug all your chargers, you keep the doors closed – generally, you follow all the rules to lower the costs of running a home. more

Winter is Coming... How to Get Roof ReadyPreparing your roof could save you time, money and headaches

So you’ve stocked up the wood pile, the oil tank is full, and leaves litter the garden – it can mean only one thing; winter is on the way.

With the change of season your house is likely to come under attack from more extreme weather conditions, and your roof is particularly at risk. Spending time now preparing and protecting your roof could save you time, money and headaches, while helping to keep you warm and cosy all season long. more

How to avoid winter roofing issues

As the weather becomes cooler and the nights draw in, there’s no denying that the winter months are fast approaching. With this in mind, it’s important to prepare your property for the decrease in temperature and cold weather so it can withstand the elements and remain in top working order. The top tips featured in this article will discuss the types of issues which can arise from the decrease in temperature and cold weather, offering advice on how to solve these issues before they escalate into bigger, more costly problems. more

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